
About us

About Us


North Eastern Fire Service Academy was established in the district of Dibrugarh, Assam under the government of India, education society registration act of 1860 and the government of Assam trustee act. This Academy is mainly setup for the benefit of the unemployed youths of entire North Eastern part of India by trained up Fire and Safety professional and makes them eligible to takes up jobs and to fullfiling the requirement in various industries /P S U and in any government departments as a Fire and Safety professionals and for any emergency volunter service requirement to our nation. We also provided basic Fire and Safety knowledge to our society through awareness program. Mean while government of India have implemented a kind of safety directive advises, vide organising a group of people to deploy in various places to know how the fire safety- accidents awareness and their preventive measures with possible preparedness and in this practice and culture that we shall definitely be able to minimise the fire risk and accidents etc.

Mission & Vision

The main aims and objectives of the NEFSA- North Eastern Fire Service Academy Dibrugarh Assam is to imparting professional FIRE and SAFETY professional training courses and trained up the unemployed youths/ citizens who aimed at their carrier in fire safety profession and to take up jobs in various industries and in departmental requirement. Besides the academy also arrange to conduct the project development program on fire prevention and safety among the society people, workman’s, student’s etc. A high technology has come up alongwith their technique, courses and handling procedure. Adaptation of practice on fire prevention and safety shall definitely minimise the possible fire damages and help the countries economy and revenue.