
Home Fire Safety: A Checklist by NEFSA Dibrugarh


Creating a fire-safe home is not just a precaution; it’s a responsibility. NEFSA Dibrugarh Fire Academy
recognizes the importance of fostering a culture of fire safety at home. In this SEO-friendly blog, we
present a comprehensive checklist inspired by the expertise of NEFSA, designed to empower individuals in fortifying their homes against the threat of fire.

1. Install Smoke Detectors:

The first line of defense, according to NEFSA, is a network of properly installed smoke detectors. These
devices act as an early warning system, providing crucial seconds to react in the event of a fire.

2. Strategically Place Fire Extinguishers:

NEFSA recommends placing fire extinguishers in easily accessible locations, particularly in the kitchen
and garage. Knowing how to use them is equally important, so regular training is advised.

3. Create and Practice an Escape Plan:

A well-thought-out escape plan is a crucial component of home fire safety. NEFSA encourages families to
create and regularly practice an escape plan, ensuring that every member knows the quickest and safest way out.

4. Keep Flammable Materials Secure:

NEFSA recommends that combustible substances including paint, gasoline, and cleaning solvents be stored
properly. These need to be kept in well-ventilated spaces and away from heat sources.

5. Maintain Electrical Systems:

Electrical malfunctions are a common cause of fires. NEFSA’s checklist includes regular checks of wiring,
prompt addressing of any electrical issues, and avoiding overloading circuits.

6. Mindful Cooking Practices:

The kitchen is a high-risk area. NEFSA emphasizes the importance of mindfulness while cooking, such as never leaving the stove unattended and keeping flammable objects away from heat sources.

7. Teach Fire Safety to Children:

NEFSA encourages parents to teach children about fire safety, including the dangers of playing with matches
or lighters. This knowledge is vital for their safety and contributes to a fire-responsible household.

8. Check Heating Sources:

Heating appliances, including furnaces and space heaters, should be regularly inspected. NEFSA’s checklist emphasizes the need for proper ventilation and safe distances from combustible materials.

9. Secure Candles and Open Flames:

Candles can add ambiance, but they also pose a fire risk. NEFSA advises using flameless candles and, if
using real candles, ensuring they are placed in stable holders away from flammable materials.

10. Stay Informed and Updated:

Lastly, NEFSA recommends staying informed about local fire risks and updates in fire safety practices. This knowledge empowers homeowners to adapt their safety measures to current best practices.


A fire-safe home is a secure home. By following the NEFSA Dibrugarh Fire Academy checklist, individuals
can take proactive steps toward creating a living space that is resilient in the face of fire threats.
NEFSA’s commitment to education extends beyond professional training, reaching into homes and communities, fostering a culture where safety is paramount. By implementing this checklist, individuals become partners
in the collective effort to prevent and mitigate the impact of home fires.

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